Some show critique - Alcuni dei giudizi di expo:
25.04.2009 Nazionale Ravenna, Junior Class, Judge De Giuliani Claudio:
Mesi 10 eccellente tipo e taglia, impronta corretta, testa in rapporto corretto, espressione femminile, buon Rapporto tronco, buone spalle e dorsale, buona attaccatura coda, pelo eccellente, corretto in movimento,
1. eccellente
and after the show we had loads of fun with our golden friends... Ravenna is close to the sea !!!
23.05.09 San Marino Republic International Show, Junior Class, Judge Brankovich A.:
Correct size and format. Good bone. Nice head with typical expression. Good eye shape and colour. Correct ears. Too soft back. Typical set tail and carriage. Enough developped chest. Good quarter angulation and movement. Correct coat, colour and temperament. 1. excellent, Young San Marino Champion
13.06.2009 Internationale Rassehundeschau Klagenfurt 2009, Junior Class, Judge Doppelreiter Maria-Luise, Austria:
11 Monate, schoener Typ, sehr schoener Ausdruck, sehr gut entwickelter Koerper, Schulter etwas steil, ausreichende Hinterhandwinkelung, in der lebhaften Bewegung noch jugendlich weich, schoenes Haarkleid.
1. vorzueglich /excellent, Jugendbester, BOB
Unfortunately not so nice photos during the show, very low light only and Davide had to run forward and back from the golden ring since our dear friends won CACIB at the same time, but also this time we had some wonderful aftershow days at the beautiful Woerthersee and the photos taken at the lake are so much better!!
love that so much better here in the water..
05.09.2009 Raduno (Clubshow) Retrievers di Cormons-Gorizia, Junior Class, Judge Biasiolo Giuliano:
14 mesi, denti corretti, buona testa e rapporto, profili corretti, dorsale bene, appiombi e piedi bene, bel pelo, muove bene. 1. eccellente /excellent, BOS
24.01.2010 Internazionale Milano, Intermediate Class, Judge Rautala Eeva, Finland:
Buona la taglia, ottimo tipo, bella testa femminile, collo leggermente corto, ottimo torace e linea dorsale, angolature sufficienti. Buon pelo e colore, bellissima coda. Si muove bene con spinta sufficiente, buon carattere
1. eccellente/excellent, BOS, CAC, CACIB
30.01.2010 Internazionale Padova, Intermediate Class, Judge Kim Le Blanc, Canada:
beautiful head, excellent coat, excellent expression, excellent side gait, excellent coat and condition.
1. eccellente/excellent, BOB, CAC, CACIB
07.03.2010 Internazionale Mantova /Gonzaga, Intemediate Class, Judge Hjorth Leif Ragnar, Norway:
Excellent type and size, very nice head, correct mouth. Good pigmentation, very nice eyes and ears, sufficient reach of neck, very good chest, nice topline, correct tail. Moves very well, lovely temperament.
1. eccellente/excellent, BOS, CAC, CACIB
11.04.2010 Raduno Retrievers (Clubshow) di Frascarolo (PV), Intermediate Class, Judge Johnson Becky, UK:
21 months, very well made troughout, femmine head, good shoulder placement. Correct topline and tailset, strong hindquarter, moves well
1. excellent, CAC